About My Pet’s Tale
About Karla
Hi, I’m Karla, the creator and author of My Pet’s Tale. My journey began with an award-winning career in television and biotechnology, accompanied by many cats and a couple of cute dogs. Read my own pet’s tale below.
How I Write Your Tale
In this live interview by Margaret Larson from
KING 5 in Seattle, Karla describes how she works with humans to write tales about their pets.
Television Career
Throughout my television career, I have earned a few of these - Emmy Award(s).
My Tale
Aime strikes a pose
Two weeks after landing my first job in my chosen career-television - I adopted two kittens. Growing up and going to college in Minnesota, I could hardly wait to have my own pet family. Having a dog would have to wait until I bought a home; until then, I lived in apartments.
Beautiful Addy
Clio and Tony were beautiful calico kitties. I decided I’d name my pets after awards. Clio is an advertising award and of course, Tony is an award given for Broadway excellence. Soon I adopted Emmy, Addy (another advertising award), Grammy, and Aime (an acronym for Awards in Media Excellence).
He’s a Monkey Boy, sleeping
Throughout the years, my television career brought me to cities throughout the country, including Washington, DC. I was then recruited to KING 5 Television in Seattle. When I finally was able to buy a house, it also meant I could adopt a dog. And so it was that Oscar, a small Pomeranian/Yorkshire Terrier mix beckoned me from the animal shelter. He became the first dog in my family since I was a child.
Oscar the doggy
A decade later we lost Oscar, a two-year-old named Grace quickly found her way into my heart. She looks so much like Oscar that I am often startled at their similarity. Grace is also the name of an award - two, actually. A Gracie award is sponsored by the Alliance for Women in Media. Another is the namesake of Princess Grace (Actress Grace Kelly) of Monaco. It is dedicated to emerging talent in theater, dance, and film. I’m not quite sure how my little Grace knew that she was a winner, but we both knew that this was to be her forever home and that’s all that matters.
After an award winning career in television (I have earned ten Emmy awards for my work in both Washington, DC and Seattle), I was recruited to biotechnology which was exciting and fun, beyond what I had ever expected. I’m blessed that my professions have been rich and rewarding.
Oscar’s new style
Like anyone who’s had to put down their pet – their child – I was devastated when I unexpectedly lost Oscar. As part of my grief process, I wrote stories about him and our life together. I knew that I’d forever cherish the stories - the true tales - I’d written about him. It also occurred to me that others would also value written tales about their own pets.
And so, My Pet’s Tale was born.
What’s your pet’s tale?
— Karla
Creator of My Pet’s Tale