Karla Halbakken Karla Halbakken


As they settled into their forever home, the three played together, slept together, and ate together. They are more like a Kitty Unit than three separate creatures. The felines blossomed. They came into their own. Each of them. With their own distinct personalities.

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Karla Halbakken Karla Halbakken


Jake isn’t a fan of car rides but will happily, along side Luna, watch for cars out the front window. As they roll into their driveway, the sight of the two faces framed by the front window warms the hearts of Mary and Jerry.

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After a brief introduction, both girls jumped to the floor. Nearly three months old, Tully dashed off, taunting Lulu to catch her. Around the dining room table and thru the living room - the games began and have not stopped.

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Alas, when she held the white, bright-eyed puppy in her arms, she was smitten. The little girl had a splash of brown on her left ear. “What a honey you are,” Kendra whispered in that very ear.

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He’s simply “the great dog” that everyone would want. Thunderstorms don’t bother him, he doesn’t bark much - and if/when he does, it’s a deep throated bark. ‘Wooooof.’

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Lucy and Piper

Piper pouted. Weren’t they proud of her? Piper was known to sometimes visibly express her feelings. Lucy ran to the box of toys and grabbed her favorite - Lamb Chop - and asked Piper if this was the way she thrashed that darn rabbit in the yard. Piper bent down, hind-end in the air, ready to play. Yes! Let’s play!

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After a successful day of sun and fishing, the family enjoyed a hearty dinner. Reviewing their day, Catie sat next to Otis, scratching his neck and ears.

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Excitedly, Lulu explored her new abode and was enchanted to discover two bins full of toys for her pleasure.  Some squeak. Some are soft. But for Lulu, the best…the Best…the BEST toy is the crackler. It’s soft on the outside but makes a crunching/crackling sound when she rolls on it.

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Sly had Rex to himself in which their love grew deeper. Who would have thought a 140 pound dog and a 8 pound little kitty would be so close.

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Callie and Kitty

Half asleep, she heard “Callie, come here, Callie.” Dad beckoned the youngster. As Mom and Dad pet and pampered the new girl, Kitty got some much desired sleep. She had a feeling she would need it.

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She settled into the safety of a foster home - through the Rescue Crew in Plymouth, Minnesota. Geoffrey, a friend and advocate of the group, was struck by the girl’s sweet personality as she was recovering from her distress. He had an idea.

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As he settled in to his new home, Russell instinctively followed Kim everywhere. His journey had been a long one. Since she first met Russell, Kim secretly suspected that he had sent a confidential message to her, beckoning her to collect him. Kismet.

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He does delight in long walks (for him, 1/2 mile), which will sometimes lead to the open field near their house. For this little guy, it is a day in heaven. Zoomies, anyone? Tug? Fetch? Let’s run!

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Admittedly, Sugar is a quintessential lap dog. When it became obvious to her that Ron was her main human, she stayed close to him. If Ron went to the kitchen, Sugar was on his heels (after all, that’s where the treats are stored). She became a bona fide Mini-Me.

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The twins looked at one another, then at Archer. They all nodded their heads in agreement. Then cheers and dancing commenced. Georgie was coming home!

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Angella was elated. Emma was the softest, easiest, sweetest baby she could ever imagine loving. Well, a baby with a tail, that is. Emma was young and spry. Although she was a tiny little ball of animated fur, Emma brought boundless love into Angella’s life.

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She’s goofy. She’s silly. She’s a dork. And Mom Wendy and Dad Dean love her for it.

Now about 3 years old, Quoia’s journey into the hearts and home of Wendy and Dean began long before she was a glint of a squeaky toy in their eyes.

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Mikey and Melvin

More importantly, no one asked Mikey if he wanted a new bunny brother. In fact, he really didn’t. So when the youngster arrived at Mikey’s home, he sat and stared at the new “friend” who had invaded his castle. He stomped his back feet.

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Vance had made his decision. He wanted a red dog. And so it was that Mom Heather began researching where to find the new family pet. Certainly an Irish Setter is red, she thought. Also, a Dachshund, but Vance needed a big dog. Maybe one he could bring hunting. After all, he was already 11.

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Since it had been a strictly cat house, welcoming Maddie, a dog!, was an important step for the sanity of their home.

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