Lucy and Piper
Piper pouted. Weren’t they proud of her? Piper was known to sometimes visibly express her feelings. Lucy ran to the box of toys and grabbed her favorite - Lamb Chop - and asked Piper if this was the way she thrashed that darn rabbit in the yard. Piper bent down, hind-end in the air, ready to play. Yes! Let’s play!
Vance had made his decision. He wanted a red dog. And so it was that Mom Heather began researching where to find the new family pet. Certainly an Irish Setter is red, she thought. Also, a Dachshund, but Vance needed a big dog. Maybe one he could bring hunting. After all, he was already 11.
When then frolicking fun has ended, Charley retreats to her throne. Monkey finds his favorite toy: a bottle cap. No matter how fussy or clever another cat toy may be, Monkey is a bottle cap kind of guy. When he’s had his way with one, Jess is sure to replace with a fresh one. If not, Monkey will burst into a rendition of one of the seeming 300 “songs” he can create.
Indeed, Paula’s commitment to pets goes beyond her work as a technician at Carver Lake Veterinary Clinic; she simply loves dogs. And cats. It began after Hurricane Katrina devastated much of New Orleans and pets were being shipped to shelters around the country. Paula knew she had to participate; she would foster any dog that she could – provided she had the space in her home. Years later, when a little jumping bean named Matilda Joy Sunshine, landed in Paula’s home, she found herself about to break her other rule: No Labs and No Small Dogs.