
Tyler, Bennie, and Catie 

Bennie and Dad Tyler

Bennie stopped. He looked up at the house. Was someone bringing him a treat? Nope. Guess not. He took a quick breath and let the sun continue to warm his dark red/brown coat. Thankfully, he was still interested in playing with his cushy blue whale and spiky ball. This was particularly curious since Bennie was a sun-seeking, warm bed striving guy who loves cuddles just a bit more than the sun. Cuddles are warm, too, he thought. Yeah, cuddles are warm. 

“Tyler, come look at this. Mom, Dad, you have to see Bennie,” Catie was surprised and delighted as she gazed out the window.

“How long has he been out there?” asked Catie’s mom Jane.

Bennie has great toys! See? 

“We let him out about 20 minutes ago. He’s been up there ever since, “ giggled Catie. Bennie was sitting atop a snow pile playing with his toys and he could hear his humans inside.

“You think we should bring him in?” asked Tyler, a bit confused. He looked at Catie. She shrugged her shoulders.

“He’s a Labrador, for crying out loud! He’s fine. Funny, but fine,”  reminded Catie’s father Tim.

“He’s such a goof ball!” Tyler quipped.

Who you calling a goof ball? 

It took more than an hour (maybe two) for Bennie to return to his humans in the house. Indeed, the cool snow had him a bit chilled, so, after required pets and loves, Bennie curled up for a nap in his “away from home” bed. He dreamt of being a puppy in a pile.


It was early 2021. Tyler’s folks’ neighbor’s dog - who live on beautiful Pearl Lake in Minnesota - had puppies. Beautiful, Red Labrador, or Red Fox Labrador babies. Tyler’s Mom Lynn and Stepdad Joe surveyed the pile of puppies - ready to take one home. They chose a sweet little girl and named her Nisse. Catie and Tyler were also captivated by the darlings when a small, coffee bean colored puppy looked up at them with his raisin eyes.

Are you my forever family?    

And the rest is history.

Do you give cuddles? 

As “Bean” or “Bennie” galloped through his new, forever home, each day was another adventure. He learned to love his sweater for his cold winter walks. He learned that Mom and Dad were also good for warm cuddles. He learned that the big bed in front of the gas fireplace was the best place to secure more heat. Sometimes, if he’s a bit damp, he will inch as close as possible to the toasty warm screen.

Warm is good. 

“Do you want to go to Grandma and Grandpa’s?” Lucky for Bennie, two grandparents live in northern Minnesota and the others have a cabin in northern Wisconsin.

Bennie’s head shot up, his eyes focused on Catie and her question. YES! Bennie jumped up and started toward the door. Catie gave him a scratch, love, and kiss on his head. Bennie’s tail wagged quickly.

Here we come!

As they approached the Wisconsin cabin, Bennie began to look out the windows, eagerly observing and smelling his surroundings. He knew what was on the agenda for him: Big Dog Fun.

Otis and Bennie-Best Friends

Bennie leapt out of the car and ran toward Otis, his best friend ever. They ran and chased and played. In the large back yard, it was nearly none stop joy. Otis is his hero. His playmate. His brother from another mother.

The humans sauntered down the lawn toward the lake beach front. Otis jumped quickly onto the pontoon boat, avoiding any contact with the water. Bennie, on the other hand, dove nose first into the lake, splashing about with great abandon.

Now what do we do, Otis? 

“C’mon, Bennie. Up,” Catie lured him up onto the boat. Bennie quickly jumped up and secured loving scratches from everyone on board. Curious, he sniffed all the small hooks and baits which were being prepared for fishing. Eyes locked on the tiny, glinting green and orange blob at the end of a long pole, it was clear that Bennie would proudly catch it when it was tossed into the water. Catie wrapped her arm around Bennie. He was ready to jump. He wanted to jump. He knew he could catch - whatever that darn thing is.

Really! I can catch fish!! 

I can get the fish! Just let me try!

“Good boy, just stay with me,” Catie calmly held Bennie as he quivered with excitement.  It was clear that Bennie’s desire to “fish” was innate and he would gleefully dive into the water, right after that sparkly thing. Catie offered him a warm cushion next to her where he could see and smell everything. He was with Mom, so this must be okay.

After a successful day of sun and fishing, the family enjoyed a hearty dinner. Reviewing their day, Catie sat next to Otis, scratching his neck and ears.

Mom, you love me the most, right??!! 

“Heck NO!” Bennie bolted to Catie, sticking his nose in her face, as his rear end nudged Otis away from *his* mom. Catie’s hand fell onto Bennie’s face and she gave him a quick kiss. Bennie checked to ensure Otis was unable to get closer to his Mom.  Yes, Bennie be jealous.

Perhaps he knew that Otis and Catie had history: when she was still living with her folks, their guinea pig died. Shortly after, Catie’s family adopted Otis, a Shepard/mix/mutt. It was eleven years ago and Otis still loves his Catie. But so does Bennie. The jealous boy.

Are we ready for a fire? 

Aside from his jealously, Bennie adores Otis and follows him everywhere to learn how to be a good dog. They play. They eat. They sleep in the sun. Together. Back in the Twin Cities, Bennie doesn’t live too far from Otis and they visit several times a week, to the perpetual joy of both good boys.

Let's play

When he was but a wee pup, Bennie was wrapped in a warm winter sweater as he braved the Minnesota winter. They would visit the big field near his home is fun - he learned to fetch and Tyler hoped one day that Bennie would hunt.  Meanwhile, he did fetch and found a bowling ball toy that he’s particularly fond of. That and his spiky squeaky ball. Pheasant? TBD.

Bennie’s love of water wasn’t isolated at the lake. When the weather heats up, Jane and Tim provide Bennie with a small, child’s pool for outside.

JOY! It wasn’t the lake, but it was…wet!

This is good!

Soon they invested in a larger, blow up pool for Bennie to flop and flip and earn his Goof Ball nick name.  It’s especially wonderful because: 1) It has a lot of water 2) it is directly in the warm sun. For Bennie, life is good. If only Otis liked water, thought Bennie. If only (Otis is not a fan).

Smells good out here!

After his dinner and evening walk, hanging with Mom and Dad is delightful - warm and cozy.  Soon, however, Bennie will slip out of their view and sneak into the guest room. With two or three strong yanks on the corner of the quilt, Bennie pulls half the covers onto the floor. After a few sniffs to ensure it’s adequate, he circles twice and curls up in the mound of softness.

Curious (Where did Bennie go?), Catie and Tyler quietly approached the extra bedroom. The hall light danced on Bennie’s back as they discover what he’d done. Confused as to why he chose this for his slumber, they guild Bennie to his own large, soft bed. He crawls in. Catie gently tucks a soft blanket up to his neck. She kisses his head and turns to leave. It has become apparent that Bennie loves his space to sleep. Here, in his own bed, he is a happy boy. But he has one last squeak in him. Catie turns back to Bennie, gives him a cuddle, and re-arranges his warm blankets.

What shall we do now?

“You are such a big baby,” Catie whispers as she smooths out the blanket. “And I love you.” She gently kisses him - for the final time - and returns to Tyler. “He’s such a goof,” Observes Tyler.

Finding the perfect bed has become a daily mission for Bennie. He likes his space when he sleeps. Therefore, investigating any bed - made or not, human or not - is an important step. He used to sleep in his crate. Not so much now, because he’s an official Big Good Boy. Catie and Tyler understand.

I am a good boy! 

There are usually 3 neighborhood walks in Bennie’s daily schedule. (Unless of course, he’s at one of his grandmas’ - where there are no rules.) Heading out for their adventure, Bennie is faced with a decision - which way to walk. Luckily, Catie lets him choose the path to follow - and which pee mail to check, today.

Am I a good boy? 

After a brisk early evening walk, Bennie is ready for his dinner. He eats late in the day, and this evening he will devour his meal (acting like he’s never eaten before), including a bit of fish oil. He retreats to the large, soft bed nestled close to the gas fireplace, near Mom and Dad. Ahhh, warm, he thinks and sinks into the cozy nest. A few moments later, Bennie scoooches even closer to the flames. He just can’t get enough of the warmth.

Belly rub?

As he slips into a deep slumber, he dreams of the fun he had at Grandma and Grandpa’s home in Wisconsin. Grandpa Tim built a special “shelf” on the side of the ATV (all terrain vehicle) just for - and especially for - Bennie. He dreams of the wind in his face and the new aromas in the air. This lake stuff is great!

Although he is generally bathed at home, he will enjoy a “Bennie Spa Day” on some occasions. Catie is especially fond of the “Our Little Old Lady” fragrance he dons when he comes home. Yes, Bennie thinks he smells pretty fabulous, too.

Do you need a stick? 

After a full day of hanging with his humans, brisk walks, playtime with his spiky ball, and lots of cuddles, Bennie lets the warm fireplace flames lull him into a well earned slumber.  All is well with the world.

Beautiful Bennie


