Lucy and Piper
Lucy and baby Piper
“Okay, Piper, let’s go outside,” Ben flipped on the kitchen light and shuffled to the sliding glass door. Piper was wagging her rear end, eager to run. Whoosh. One bound and she shot like a bullitt straight to the back fence. How could she see anything out there, wondered Ben. It’s 1:44AM.
Suddenly, a series of quick, desperate squeaks rang from the back of the yard. Ben grabbed the flashlight and ran to the back fence. Piper was furiously thrashing her trophy in her mouth. One last squeak.
Piper loves Lucy
“Drop it, Piper, drop it,” Ben scolded. Piper thrashed again. After all, this is what she is built for: tracking and killing little creatures. Tonight’s treasure - a soft bunny.
Piper surrender her prize. Ben grabbed a stick and threw the rabbit into the woods beyond the fence. Piper quivered with excitement, huffing and puffing as Ben held her back. She was ready for another.
Piper with Trevor
“She got a rabbit,” dad Ben reported to mom Tiffany as he ushered Piper back into the house.
“A rabbit?” asked Tiffany as she softly rubbed Piper’s ears and face, kissing her forehead. She and Piper’s dog sister Lucy were wide awake. Lucy bounced up and down with excitement. Lucy sniffed Piper. Yep, rabbit, thought Lucy. I taught her that.
Piper loves bunnies
Son Trevor heard the squeaks and was concerned that everyone was okay. He tried to keep Lucy still. She kissed his hand.
Piper pouted. Weren’t they proud of her? Piper was known to sometimes visibly express her feelings. Lucy ran to the box of toys and grabbed her favorite - Lamb Chop - and asked Piper if this was the way she thrashed that darn rabbit in the yard. Piper bent down, hind-end in the air, ready to play. Yes! Let’s play!
Piper with her squeaky toy
“Oh, no, girls. It’s bedtime,” explained Tiffany as she summoned them to the bedroom. Reluctantly, Lucy and Piper followed Mom and Dad. They (kind of) settled into their soft beds on the floor. The aroma of fresh bunny was ever present as Lucy sniffed Piper one more time. Piper sometimes finds her way up to the human bed, but not tonight. Tonight was special. She wanted to slumber in the smell of bunny.
Piper and Lucy ready for bed
Tiffany and Ben were slightly annoyed, but giggled at her hunting finesse. They knew when they adopted their beautiful Boxer girls, that hunting rabbits and squirrels was what they do and how they are made.
Lucy started to snore.
Piper loves daddy Ben
Tiffany and Ben quietly reminisced upon that fateful day, about 6 years ago, when they babysat a sweet Boxer dog. They fell in love with the breed and decided to adopt a Boxer, themselves. First they found Lucy. She was about four months old at the time. A darling little blast of midnight, she was as compact and as precious as could be. Tiffany held the tiny joy and kissed her black head. She smelled like puppy. With glee and curiosity, Lucy explored her new forever home.
Mom Tiffany and baby Lucy
Baby Lucy
Stunning: Long Legged Lucy
A year later, Piper, the old soul, joined their family. Piper is the quirky, weird, girl who has a lot of character and loves to hunt - she’s been known to jump and climb *high* onto a tree to get that darn squirrel. (She didn’t.)
Piper and Lucy
Now about 5, Lucy weighs in at about 69 pounds, while Piper ( about 4) is 66 pounds of (almost always) good girl.
Baby Piper
Lucy adores her Lamb Chop toy. Her loose jowls allow her to carry and whip it easily. She’s a seal brindle Boxer, with some slightly visible stripes on her torso. Piper is also a brindle, save the stripes. Her back hip gives her some trouble, but a nap with Lucy helps ease her discomfort.
Lucy and Piper - always together
Tiffany’s sister Jen and husband Joel, also fell in love with the Boxer breed. When Lucy’s dad sired another litter (different mommy), Jen and Joel were thrilled to adopt GoGo - a stunning Boxer girl. Along with Piper, the three of them have created their own girls’ club: Lucy is the ballerina; Piper is the wide receiver; and GoGo is the line backer. They stay true to their “nicknames.” Regardless of what they’re called, they can move. Fast.
GoGo with mom Jen, Dad Joel and family
Beautiful GoGO and her cousins Lucy and Piper hanging out
Dog cousins: Piper (in front), GoGo, and Lucy
Oh but there are *more* doggies! When all the “dog cousins” get together, it’s a very active, jolly time. We have: Okie, who’s sister Jen and Joel’s other dog; Holly, Tiffany’s mom’s terrier; and Tucker, Tiffany’s brother’s Airedale. Whether all together, or a special “cousin playdate,” it’s a treasured family treat to swim in the lake (Piper yes, Lucy not so much) where Aunt Jen and Uncle Joel will often host the gang.
Dog cousin Okie
Dog cousin Holly
Piper hanging with dog cousin Tucker
Lucy and Piper are beloved at Northbrook Animal Hospital, where Dr. Blum and team ensure both babies are in fine form. Not to worry, Piper, your back hip is being cared for. Here’s a belly rub, for good measure.
Piper loves daddy Ben
Lucy loves Trevor
Back at home, Lucky Lucy and Pretty Piper have room to move in the back yard. You will often find Lucy in her Frog Out position (laying on her tummy with her back legs spread out) enjoying the sun. Soon Piper will find her way to the sun rays, as well (she thinks she can make the sun shine). She knows the squirrels, bunnies, and opossum are out there. Oh, opossum, she thinks…I haven’t caught an opossum!
Lucy loves car rides!
I will protect you from bunnies!
Sometimes Mom or Dad will offer a neighborhood walk. When they do, both girls must go. Together. At the same time. Since Piper’s hip is a bit cranky, they may be short walks, but they get plenty of exercise chasing one another in the back yard as well as with GoGo and their other cousins. And the rabbits. And the squirrels. Secretly, Piper knows she’s also the “Bunny Hunting Master” of this backyard, chasing those dang things wherever they might go. Lucy takes pride in teaching her everything she knows.
Pretty Piper
Lovely Lucy
After another fun day of play and toys, the girls settle into their beds in the bedroom. When everyone is settled, Lucy quietly gets out of bed and roams through the house. She is the guard. The protector. There are no bunnies out there for Piper to catch, tonight. Lucy returns to her soft bed. Soon her snoring fills the house. It’s like a lullaby for her family - Lucy once again snores/sings them to sleep.
Lucy and Piper
Lucky girls.