Madeline Mae Mogwai and Angie
She wasn’t scared. She was just lonely. She’d endured an arduous trip to Minnesota from Southern California with some 100 other dogs in a caravan. Now she found herself in a huge dog holding run large enough for multiple hulk-sized canines. She sat alone.
Angie slowly walked along the bank of dog kennels. She smiled when a sweet little face with immense ears gazed up at her. Angie immediately thought of a Mogwai from the movie Gremlins. She gently lifted the petite pooch from her makeshift bed. Maddie sniffed and kissed Angie. After a few moments of getting to know one another, Angie thought this little pip-squeak might be able to help her learn the temperament of other dogs. And she was right.
The Outside Agency Transfer Organization regularly delivers dogs that need forever homes. As part of her (former) role at the Minnesota Humane Society, one of Angie’s charges was to evaluate the temperament of the incoming canines so they can better match them with new owners.
And so it was that Maddie became an amazing 8 pound test dog. Quietly and cautiously, Maddie would “suss up” her fellow canine’s disposition in order to best match with their new humans. If Maddie was calm and interested in the other dog, Angie knew he would be an easy adoption. If Maddie became irritable or scared with the interaction, Angie knew to use caution when placing him.
Dinosaur Maddie
Soon Angie found her fondness for Maddie was growing. A colleague blurted “Angie, take her home with you. She loves you!”
No can do, thought Angie. Her young fraternal twins loved their cats but dogs, not so much. They were generally afraid of dogs. But Angie had an idea.
It was decided that Maddie would go home with Angie for a week - a sort of test time for everyone in the family. On the 4th of July, Angie, the twins, and Maddie drove to the lake to see how everyone would get along, away from the cats. It wasn’t long before the twins were playing, running, and loving on Maddie.
Joshua was especially smitten with Maddie. In the yard, they ran and played. Sophia joined the fun and a family was formed. Angie was pleasantly surprised by the kids’ reaction to Maddie. But in her heart she knew Maddie would also be a good partner for her kids: Maddie had “sussed - up” the entire pack and decided it was A-Okay with her, too.
Forever Home Found.
Somewhere along her journey, Maddie’s right rear leg had been broken. Between that and her defensive posture with other animals, Angie thinks that Maddie was at one time a breeding dog. Joshua and Sophia believed, like Mom, that she was a lost Mogwai from the movie Gremlins. Curious herself, Angie secured a DNA test. Maddie’s results say she is a mix of: chihuahua, chihuahua, dachshund, Shih Tzu. No official Mogwai detected.
But Angie couldn’t shake a feeling that Maddie had been a breeding dog. So when Maddie started guarding her crate, Angie’s hunch was confirmed - well, as much as it could be. Angie had spent many years working at the Humane Society and Maddie’s guarding behavior was consistent with that of dogs with babies. Maddie became very protective of her crate. She guards it. She ensures no way-ward kitty-cat finds its way inside. And back at home, there were plenty of cats to “suss-out.”
Emmaline and Chippy are best friends
Since it had been a strictly cat house, welcoming Maddie, a dog!, was an important step for the sanity of their home.
And the felines brought their own stories. Today’s brood includes:
Emmaline who was a “foster failure” and about to be euthanized. Angie had a better idea and brought her home. She’s about twelve human years old.
Ernie Bernie
Chippy and Brownie are litter mates. At about 6 1/2 years, they were adopted at a shelter. Angie has a nickname for Chippy: Velcro. He will attach to her at any opportunity.
Chippy, Vinnie, and Emmaline
Vinnie joined their home about three years ago. He was a gift from a co-worker from Leech Lake Reservation. And Vinnie loves Sophia.
Ernie Bernie’s tale is also special. During the protests in the Minneapolis/St.Paul area in the summer of 2020, Angie found him in the streets, a half pound, 3 week old kitten. She put him in her pocket for safekeeping. After he ate, slept, and absorbed Angie’s lovin’, he was welcomed into their home as well.
Vinnie and Ernie Bernie
Now that Angie is working at Carver Lake Veterinary Center, she brings her intuitive understanding of the animals she works with everyday. From ferrets to rabbits to rats, Angie’s love for animals reaches far and wide.
Beanie loves his slipper
From the beginning and without exception, Maddie’s dream date is: PARK! While nearly any park will due, she’s especially enamored with Banning State Park where she can hold her own during a five mile hike with many trails bringing them up and then down. And up. And down. Arlington Arkwright Park has been hiked so much that Maddie and Angie are considered regulars.
Banning Park hike
Tired Maddie after a 5 mile hike
Today, much like anyone else, Madeleine Mae Mogwai has some health issues to navigate. Her bad back, bad legs, knee and ankle challenges keep her close to her momma. Angie playfully calls her her “little mole” because she’s always popping up from a pocket or a purse. However, a quick glance at Maddie’s ears and anyone can see why she’s really a Mogwai to Angie.