Meet sweet Tully (formerly known as Carson Wentz)
She was born the first of seven in the litter. She was tiny. She was the runt. But she was christened a big name at the NDSU (North Dakota State University) Litter project. Each pup donned an athlete’s name. Proudly, she wore the name Carson Wentz, who was attending NDSU (now back up quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs). 65 Roses donates part of the proceeds of the puppies to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to help find a cure.
Tiny girl who wears her heart all the time
As an amateur photographer, Tammy Graff had followed the career of Australia WNBA player Tully Bevilaqua. Tammy had met her during an WNBA game in the states.
Although Tammy was still grieving the loss of Maggie, a beautiful German Shepard - and desired another large dog - Tiny Tully was irresistible. Tammy has also loved Stella, a Decker Giant Rat Terrier and sadly, had lost her as well. Tammy was ready for a new fur baby to love.
Are you going to love me?
Tammy held the (then 11 weeks old) baby in her hand. She kissed her small head and christened her Tully. WNBA pro Tully was tickled (she is now assistant coach at the Indiana Fever). Holding the tiny runt puppy in her arms, Tammy had high hopes for the little girl. Tiny Tully sniffed Tammy’s chin. Wife Cheryl smiled and nodded her head as she pet her tiny head.
Nice beginning, puppy.
Tully and Lulu
Once at her forever home, it was time for an important introduction. Chereyl held Lulu, (best guess is she’s a Shih Tzu/ Brussels Griffon mix) their other dog, in her arms as Tammy walked slowly toward them. Tully’s nose worked hard to gather the new dog’s scent. Lulu was eager to play.
After a brief introduction, both girls jumped to the floor. Nearly three months old, Tully dashed off, taunting Lulu to catch her. Around the dining room table and thru the living room - the games began and have not stopped.
Tully with sweet sister Lulu
Lulu gave Tully an in-depth review of the toy box. Tully sniffed and explored. Lulu grabbed her own favorite toy - the “crackler”- soft on the outside, crunchy inside. Tully had her heart set on something else. A ball. A ball that looks like a small basketball. Actually, any small ball that is round and she can get her snout around. The balls are her passion. After all, she has a reputation to uphold.
Play time!
Of course, Tully got a “Good Girl” checkup (and lots of TLC) at Northbrook Animal Hospital. As Tully continued to grow, her quirky, fun personality blossomed. She’s a goofball who hops and leaps around outside. And inside. It’s as if she has her own basketball court in her head. Lulu can’t resist and the two girls play and chase until it’s time for a little dinner. Sadly, Tully has lost some of her teeth over the years, but has enough to enjoy her small bites kibble and a dash of wet food.
Yes, I will watch Women’s Basketball!
After another romp around the living room, the kitchen, the yard, Tully is ready for TV. She’s not even fussy. Dog TV is fine, but of course, she loves her basketball.
Marley is fast but so is Tully!
In real life, her playdate may include their friend Marley, a beautiful Goldendoodle who lives near them. Lulu wants to play too, but often finds herself in the middle of the two - getting picked on. When the leaping and running slows to a crawl, Tully and Lulu are back together - as always. BFF.
“Do you think you’re a basketball player or something?” asked neighbor friend Marley
If the day includes an adventurous trip to the lake, Tully and Lulu are all in. Their individual beds in the backseat of the car are comfy and safe. As they slow down the girls get excited. They can smell the lake. They bounce out, galloping and leaping. The lawn is theirs to discover, as they also protect everyone.
I will protect you!
Tully isn’t fond of the water, per se, and will hop over it to get on to the pontoon boat. However, as sister Lulu has shown Tully, it’s the yard at the lake that is so delicious. Back on the shore, the freedom is delightful. They leap (well, Tully leaps) and chase and keep everyone safe from any ferocious animals lurking in the trees. At least that’s what they believe.
Tully dreams of running and jumping with her basketball
Back at home the sun begins to set and Tammy reaches for the laser light. Tully slips into her stealth “cat mode” and is determined to have her way with the green dot. Lulu will attempt to intervene but she knows that when Tully is focused, step back because she is fast like her name sake basketball player.
Worn out, and ready for a night’s sleep, Lulu finds her moms’ human bed, sneaks in, and plops down in the center - where they sleep. Tully, who is a bit restless, crawls into her beautiful kennel which she has used since she was a pup. Once inside, she turns twice and lays down. Tammy gently closes the door but does not lock it. She may cry a bit, but will settle down once everyone is in bed, as well. Tully can get out at any time.
I love you, too.
“I love you, Tully,” whispers Tammy. Tully re-arranges herself and Tammy again, beholds the heart on her left side, as if to say “I love you, too, Mom.”