
Let’s go home!

It was just another fun girls’ day out. Shopping, chatting, coffee, and the Humane Society? “Hey, everyone, let’s go pet puppies!” Kim offered this sporadic option for their next stop. Girlfriends thought it was a splendid idea.

As Kim walked along the bank of cages with doggies hoping for love, a dark nose lifted and soft brown eyes caught her own. He was shy and quiet. Kim approached him gingerly. He reminded her of an old man, even though he was just a year. An old soul, she thought. Her friends found puppies to embrace. Kim found Russell.

She bent down and caressed his head and ears, softly greeting him. Those eyes, she thought. Look at those eyes!

Old soul Russell

Her friends tumbled toward her, giggling and holding other dogs. Kim sat with Russell. He moved closer to her and she wrapped her arm around his body. He had her at “Hello.”

Before she could say “Mouth of the Mississippi,” Kim was signing papers to bring Russell to his forever home.

But Kim needed supplies. Thankfully, The Golden Valley Humane Society provided a leash but Kim needed to stop at the pet store to purchase food, bowls, toys, and whatever else he might want or need. Her team of awesome shoppers assisted. Kim had never been a dog mom, so it was a bit of a learning curve.

Russell felt like he was in the eye of a hurricane. He watched as everyone around him buzzed with excitement, offering him squishy pink pigs and floppy lizards. While they were interesting, Russell was focused on staying next to Kim. Near Kim. With Kim.

As he settled in to his new home, Russell instinctively followed Kim everywhere. His journey had been a long one. Since she first met Russell, Kim secretly suspected that he had sent a confidential message to her, beckoning her to collect him. Kismet. The Humane Society had welcomed Russell from another pet shelter in Georgia. Their best guess is that he’s a Lab/Boxer/Springer mix - in part because of his curly tail. That’s all fine with Kim, and really doesn’t matter because she knows that Russell is an old soul. An old soul who just wants a safe and loving life.


May the Fourth be with You

Since she’d never been a dog mom, Kim keenly tuned in to Russell for clues for what he needed and wanted. He was definitely shy. Even skiddish. Always wary of new and dangerous situations. Kim slowly introduced various toys - with and without squeakies - to entice him. He thought they were mildly amusing. Kim tossed a bright ball into the yard. Russell gleefully leaped and followed the yellow orb. He sniffed it. Yep. Ball. He galloped back to Kim sans ball.

“Russell! You don’t want to fetch it?” Kim scratched Russell’s ears as she coached him toward the ball. “Here.” She threw it again. He watched the ball fly through the yard. He looked back at Kim.

“You’re not a fan of fetch, I guess. We’ll find something else.”

Did someone mention bones?

After some trial and error, Kim and Russell got into their own rhythm. Bones? Yes, please. Snow? You betcha! Toys? Not so much.

Being a Southern boy, Russell had not yet experienced the delight and confusion that snow can create for a timid boy. Once the shock of cold paws wore off, Russell danced and pranced in the field of fun. He challenged himself to catch more snowflakes in his mouth than the time before. Kim packed loose snowballs and threw them up in the air, which Russell “caught.” He knew that Mom Kim was very proud of him. Time for zoomies.

Regardless of the time of the year, a wildlife menagerie of sorts will appear in their back yard. Russell noted the funny way various birds flew and chased one another. The squirrels were always amusing to watch and sometimes chase - if he was in the mood. And then he spied two bandit beings scurry across the lawn, stand on their hind legs, and gaze into the window. At the sight of Russell, the raccoons dashed away. But they came back the next day. And the day after that.

In between their visits, a flock of wild turkeys will scan the yard for grub. A deer family will wander through and stop for a short nap.  And one day, Russell saw a family of foxes. Excitedly, he sat up straight and watched them carefully. Cousins, he thought. Long lost cousins. “I really am home,” he sighed.

Russell hanging with Mom


Russell ran to the front door barking to the beat of his paws. He jumped up as Kim tried to calm him and open the door. Through it came Hank, a fabulous Golden/Lab that claims Kim’s uncle as his human. Two handsome boys circled one another, smelling, wagging, bonding. Russell found a friend.

Life just kept getting better for him. Sure he loves to snuggle with Mom, solve a Kong toy, and watch the squirrels. Turns out Russell also loves the lake! When Mom opens the car door, Russell is already in motion and dashes toward the shore. He wades in - the water consuming his entire body save his head. Dog paddle. Dog paddle. He knew he could do this water thing.

Russell loves the lake

The lake, the pontoon, the fish. This became Russell’s happiest of happy places (next to Mom’s lap, of course). From edge to edge atop the pontoon, Russell investigates all the curious, unusual smells. It is glorious. The universe of water brought out the hunter/fisher in him. Well, in a tiny part of him. He is an integral part of the fishing team as he dutifully investigates every fish flopping around on the boat. Eat it? Not so much. A sniff will do, thank you. Okay, another sniff. Just checking.

Russell enjoying a very happy place

Although he wasn’t skinny, Russell managed to gain some weight his first years in his forever home. He’s not a fussy eater, so pretty much anything will do. Bread is good. So is cheese. Notably, he doesn’t care so much for lettuce (he wasn’t sure it was food). With a robust diet and lots of time hanging with Mom Kim and fiancé Caleb, Russell added a healthy ten pounds to his frame, now weighing in at 70 pounds.

Russell will proudly show how he can “shake” hands/paws. Mom and Dad laugh at his talent. Then, to show how much he loves them, Russell falls to the floor and wriggles on his back. And wriggles. Yes, it provides a good back rub. It also provides a way for him to show his very special smile.

I love you Mom!

Thankfully, Russell’s health has been good. His friends at Carver Lake Veterinary Center helped when he had a slightly sprained paw. Mostly, he likes to visit because everyone gives him scratches and loves.

Gus and Russell love the sun

His buddy Gus joined the family three years ago and has been a fine addition. He shares cuddle time with Mom and Dad. He’s not too stingy and will crawl into a small opening to snuggle with the family. If he feels like it. Or not. After all, he is a cat.

Best brothers

Georgia is no longer on Russell’s mind. The lake, bones, zoomies, and hanging with his humans is all he needs. In his forever home, Russell is top dog.

Mom Kim and Russell




