
Welcome home, Mocha

“Mom, he’s scared.” Tears fell softly down her face as she cradled the 3 month old puppy in her arms. She was laughing and crying at the same time. Joy and concern filled the 10 year old’s entire being.

“Why are you crying?” Mom Kortney stroked her head, and then, the little puppy.

“He’s perfect, and I can’t believe he’s ours, but I think he’s afraid,” whispered Raegan as she kissed Mocha’s forehead.

“Dogs find the homes they need and come into your lives. It looks like Mocha has found us.” Kortney moved them both into a soft embrace as she fought off her own tears of joy.

You’re my forever family? Wow!

Raegan had been patient as the family waited to move into an actual house, not an apartment, so they could finally adopt a dog. Now Mocha was on his way to his forever home. Healing Hearts Rescue succeeds again.

It was September, 2023 and Raegan sat in the back seat of the car gently caressing Mocha in her lap. “Mom, what’s a house hoarder?”

Kortney softly gripped Dad Damani’s arm as she turned and looked at Raegan and Mocha. She tried to explain why this puppy traveled to Minnesota from Missouri.

“Some people think that having lots and lots of animals in their home is good. They think they are saving the pets. But animals like Mocha need space to move and play, to socialize and learn. In a cramped hoarder house, the animals can’t do that because there are too many bodies in a small space. They can’t move and frolic. But now Mocha can be a puppy and run and play because he’s going to his forever home. With us.” Kortney knew it was important moment for everyone in the family. Especially Mocha.

Raegan’s joy was limitless. She had decided that being a veterinarian would be her career of choice (well, that, or a lawyer). Bringing Mocha into their lives was an important part of that vision.

Mocha loves on Raegan

As the honeymoon period of having a new puppy tumbled into the daily routine of training and caring for Mocha, Raegan was on it, heart and soul. She is very patient with him. She will sit quietly with him until he feels safe. Mindful of his fearful disposition, she will even bring his food bowl to him. After all, he needs fuel to learn to sit, paw, lay down, and play dead. Turns out this timid boy is very smart. Especially when belly rubs or a nap in the sun might be involved.

Mocha gets loving from sister Kennedi

He does delight in long walks (for him, 1/2 mile), which will sometimes lead to the open field near their house. For this little guy, it is a day in heaven. Zoomies, anyone? Tug? Fetch? Let’s run!

Older sister Kennedi adores Mocha. She’s been known to administer robust belly rubs and ear scratches as well. The ritual involves cradling him like a baby, his preferred position. When Mom began calling Mocha her favorite child, Kennedi retorted “Your favorite male child, right, Mom?”

Raegan and Kennedi love Mocha

“Depends on the day,” Kortney quietly quipped and kissed Mocha’s nose. Then Kennedi’s forehead. Kennedi knew Mocha was a valuable addition to their home. She really is thrilled to have Mocha as her “brother.” Friends at Carver Lake Veterinary Center ensured he was in fine physical health (shout out to tutored neutered doggies!).

Whatever Mocha needs

Soon it became clear that Mocha was more than timid. He had a genuine fear of other dogs and wasn’t skilled at making friends. Even a car ride can cause anxiety for the little guy. Staying home alone all day was not ideal, either.

Enter doggy daycare Dogtopia.

At first, it was overwhelming for Mocha. All those dogs! Big dogs! Just look at them! It was like the place where he was born, but even more chaotic. There are dogs running around and sniffing and barking! Help!

The staff is there to ensure Mocha will learn and socialize. They will even hold him like a baby, if he’s having a tough day. Turns out that the staff also knows he is a shy guy and needs those belly rubs. Often. And again. Once more.

Mocha loves the sun

Perhaps there is something in his DNA that makes Mocha a sunshine magnet. Turns out the’s a mix of terrier, beagle, and pug. With an underbite.

Mom and Dad relish their new home with Mocha as an integral part of the family. Everyone has benefitted from his angelic little soul cuddling and loving. As they considered summer, the girls, Mocha (Mom’s favorite), activities, opportunities, and interests, they decided what they wanted to do.

Mom Kortney with a new favorite boy

Memorial Day, 2024, about 9 months after bringing Mocha home - they told the kids that they were running errands. Because of their admiration for and success with Healing Hearts Rescue, Mom and Dad adopted another tiny boy who was also rescued from a hoarder house. This time the teeny tike made the journey from Oklahoma. But they didn’t tell the kids. Weighing in at 3 pounds, Mom snuck into the house with her hand behind her back. She beckoned the kids to come see what she had brought them. Gingerly, she swung her arm around and presented the newest member of the family.

Kennedi welcoming Tux

Raegan and Kennedi giggled and took turns holding the new puppy. Mocha was curious but cautious. He’s come a long way with the help of his family and his friends - with and without paws - but he’s still guarded. He did sniff and kiss his new brother, mostly to taste his scent. Soon enough, Mocha’s big brother instinct kicked in and he began showing the new guy how to play. After all, Tux came from the same background Mocha did. And Mocha knows how difficult that can be. As if to say “Let me show you how, kid,” Mocha became a kind and faithful mentor. Besides, he knows where the special treats are stored.

Follow me, kid

He was christened Tux because of his warm black coat and splash of a linen white chest. He has so much love ahead of him. So much love to give and get in this incredible forever home.

Maybe he can’t yet walk the 1/2 mile that Mocha can prance. Maybe he can’t yet jump up on the sofa. Maybe he hasn’t yet been tutored,…er…neutered, but every day gets better and better. For everyone.

Excellent forever home

Especially for Mom’s favorite kids.

A growing family




