
Written by Joyce, Sly’s human mother

Handsome Sly

Sly is an 18 year old feline. When he was a little kitten, he was picked out for a birthday gift to Joyce (human mom), from the Humane Society for Companion Animals in Woodbury, MN. How did he get his name? Well, he would join the Gaugler family that already had another feline, Midnight, 15 yrs old and a 2 yr old Mastiff/Rottweiler dog-Rex. This tiny, gray and white kitty got out of his gift box before Joyce could open it. Here there is this tiny kitten zipping around the house, darting from furniture to furniture, hiding behind floor plants with his new dog brother, Rex chasing him around. Joyce was shocked to actually catch her adorable birthday gift. He’s a sly little kitty. Hence the name SLY came to mind.

Although Sly was the size of Rex’s foot, this little kitty was welcomed into the family of the big, gentle giant and his feline buddy-Midnight. They played nice, close companions to lay next to each other.

Beautiful Midnight

After 17 yrs of fun and frolicking, illness set in and Midnight passed away in Joyce’s loving arms. Sly had Rex to himself in which their love grew deeper. Who would have thought a 140 pound dog and a 8 pound little kitty would be so close. Two years later, tragic illness made Joyce and Mike to say goodbye to their 8 yr old, lovable Rex.

Handsome Rex

With two buddies gone, Sly found loneliness. Joyce and Mike carefully considered adopting another dog. They really wanted another puppy, maybe not one so big. They came across this adorable Black Lab/Rottweiler from the Wags and Whiskers Pet Rescue website. After meeting this adorable little ball of fur, he became the new addition to the family.

The very active little guy and Sly were not sure about each other. Sly moving slyly, slipping here and there, jumping and hiding over there, the new puppy was on his tale. The human brother, Eric was watching a Shark Tales movie. There is a fish name OSCAR. He would chase other fish around. The family would laugh at the playfulness of the cute puppy chasing SLY around. Mike calls out “ OSCAR the cat chaser.” From then, OSCAR became his name. Sly already having experience with a large dog, he had no fear. His agility and slyness kept Oscar on his toes. As years and Oscar grew much longer and larger, Sly still would think he could ‘take down’ Oscar attacking his legs. Oscar would just look at him and think, OK cat, you got me. These two would sleep next to each other. How adorable is that!

Remembering Oscar

With 8 years of providing daily, delightful, entertainment, sadly, tragic illness to Oscar happened. They were not able to bring him home from Carver Lake Veterinary Center, they had to say goodbye to their 8 yr old, lovable Oscar.

The family came home without Oscar. Everyone in the family again, felt a huge loss. Although Sly could not use human words, he watched, waited, and wondered where Oscar had gone. Once again, he lost his playful buddy. He was sad.

Joyce and Mike decided to look for another canine companion for Sly. After a long nine months of searching for a Boxer/Lab, Joyce found the next family dog from Happy Tails Rescue site. He even had the original name that Mike picked out, before finding a new dog. His name is Rocco. Rocco was to be a Boxer mix. This dog had to join our family. The foster family picked Joyce and Mike to become Rocco’s new human parents. After doing a DNA test, to the surprise of the family, Rocco had no Boxer in him! He is half American Staffordshire Terrier, and mix of Lab and German Shephard. He will be the smaller of the other dogs.

Rocco and Sly hanging with human Eric

Once again, here comes home a very active little guy running around the yard. Sly watching from the window, thinking to himself, what is this new creature all about. This is not my first rodeo with an active puppy. Rocco was testing Sly’s patience. Like his canine brothers before him, Rocco also grew into a gentle giant. He learned Sly’s unique quirks and preferences. They both would take turns instigating a good chase around in the house. Luckily for Sly, he could jump to the counters and cabinet tops to get out of Rocco’s reach. Even hiding under the bed. Sly, even in his senior years, (Rocco 4 yrs old) he continues to be fast! Sly holds his own as he whaps at Rocco’s face and fun play. After all, he has been in the family longer than Rocco and outlived the past family companions.

Sly waits for Rocco on the deck

Sly is now 18 years old, having kidney disease and thyroid issues. He is under the loving care from the staff at Carver Lake Veterinary Center. The Gaugler family pets have been clients at the clinic for 32 years!

Rocco and Sly have been together for 4 years now. They enjoy each other’s company. They both know treat time. When one gets one, the other must, too. They can be found stretched out, on the deck, soaking up the warm sunshine, laying near each other. Rocco will acquiesce Sly in sharing the outside water bowl, both faces in the bowl. Then, Rocco will drool the water on Sly’s head.

Sly’s loving humans

Sly’s nighttime routine starts by laying under the bed covers of human brother, Eric. After hours he makes his way to Mom Joyce. Laying on her legs so she can’t move, he is content and back to a purring sleep. As the sun is peaking out and the birds chirping, or the neighbor dogs are barking, Sly thinks it’s time to get up and be fed. His little 7 lb body will walk on her and pillow, pulling hair, and batting at her. After persistence, he gets his way. He, running down the stairs to be fed and then getting his watered down splash of milk, is content. Sly waits for Rocco to be let out of his bed (kennel).

Sly and the rest of his family are awake and ready for another fun filled day. A day of playing with Rocco, being fed treats, getting loving attention, soaking up the sunshine or cool breeze, snoozing/hiding under bed covers to nap. A home of lots of love.






Callie and Kitty