Callie and Kitty

Beautiful Kitty

Callie stepped up onto Mom Anna’s tummy. As she stretched her paws out in front of herself, she felt a kick against her stomach. She began purring. Anna stroked her head and long body.

“Do you know there’s a baby in there?” Callie purred and rubbed her head on Mom’s mound.

Callie’s older sister Kitty walked by, whipped her tail against the chair leg and produced a soft “Meow.”

Kitty wasn’t keen on Callie joining the family a couple of years prior, but maybe a little human would be okay. She sauntered to a favorite sleeping nook across the room. Things had been okay since Callie joined them in late 2017. But she wants everyone to remember that Kitty was here first. She licked her paw.

A curious Callie cat

  Dad Harry will always remember when Kitty first walked into his dad’s store, about 13 years ago.  She was a sweet orphan who kept showing up at his door. One day, he scooped her up and gave the small girl a love. Then he fed her. He didn’t buy a litter box because she was going outside. Of course, she was back to the store for food and love. Without a known name, she became Kitty, or Miss Kitty, or Mush Cat if she was being especially animated. Sadly, he couldn’t keep her.

Callie can help

Kitty did find comfort in several of the family’s homes as she was carefully passed from one to the other - a special treat that everyone in the family enjoyed. Finally, she found a home with Harry and his brother Derek who lived together. The three took care of one another - providing laughter and companionship.

Soon Harry married Anna, and Kitty was the unofficial ring cat.  She moved in with them and continued to peruse the house at night to ensure all was well. She was a street cat after all. She was deft at navigating all kinds of unfamiliar terrain.

Baby Callie with Momma and litter mates

Kitty surprised even herself when she realized she was a bit excited when Mom and Dad presented a tiny kitty - one that looks a lot like herself. Another tortoise kitty. Her scent was vaguely familiar; turns out Harry’s brother Derek (now a neighbor) had a house full of new babies.

The youngin’ was born on September 24, 2017. When Mom put her on the floor to meet Kitty, a bit of confusion ensued as Kitty thought she was looking at younger version of herself. It’s one of the reasons Mom and Dad chose the little squirt. Kitty turned, giving an exaggerated stride, and meandered into the bedroom.

Half asleep, she heard “Callie, come here, Callie.” Dad beckoned the youngster. As Mom and Dad pet and pampered the new girl, Kitty got some much desired sleep. She had a feeling she would need it.

Did you say dinner?

Meanwhile, Callie was having the time of her life. Christmas tree? Yes, thank you, I will crawl to the top of it. Drink water out of the toilet? You betcha. Sure, I’ll lick the ice cream off dirty bowls in the dishwasher. Tag with Kitty? Not so much.

Callie did, however, learn from Kitty how to take a master class nap. Kitty, on the other hand, got a few secret giggles watching Callie inhale cat nip and use the climbing tree as headquarters to conquer the entire house. As an excellent detective who loves people food, Callie has been known to dive head first into a bag of potato chips. (Kitty laughed to herself.) When she couldn’t get it off, Dad came to rescue and yanked Callie from its grip. Renegade chips fell everywhere as Callie dashed to the top of the bed frame in Mom and Dad’s room. Here…here she was safe. She is queen. No matter what Kitty says.

When their first human brother was born, Callie was a curious cat. Kitty was - mildly - interested. She believes Callie could use some more lessons in How to be Feline such as JWA, or Just Walk Away as Kitty does with such authority.

As he grew, he learned to be gentle with Kitty and Callie. He was taught to not pull their tales (as tempting as it might be for for anyone). although when he forgot and accidentally stepped on Kitty’s rudder, she gave a quick screech, swatted at him and bolted out of the room. She didn’t land a paw on him, but it scared them both. Lesson learned.

When Mom Anna was pregnant with a second son, Trevor, Callie again stretched out on Mom’s belly. She was catching on. When Mom got up, Callie jumped to the floor and fell into a downward facing dog position (as she looked to see if Kitty was watching her perfect form). After a long yawn, she found a rest in the new soft and cozy bassinet. Well, until Dad discovered her and “invited” her out of the baby’s bed.

A Callie Cat Nap

When the pandemic eased, so did Kitty’s weight. She dropped to just 7 pounds from a hearty 18 pounds. She wasn’t using the litter box, either. When she was examined by her friends at Northbrook Animal Hospital, they learned that she is diabetic. With two shots a day and a specific diet, Kitty is feeling much better. She’s still moving slowly, especially getting up and down, but she is grateful to all her humans who help her.

When Mom and Dad had (second son), Kitty and Callie had gotten the memo and knew to be gentle. Curious is fine, but soft is a must. The boys are so in-tuned with the felines that the first words he learned after Mama and Dada, was “cat” and “Callie”.

As the boys grow, their feline sisters are there to help at every step. Kitty won’t have to move again and Callie will continue to taunt and tease her. After all, they are (very loved) cats who found a nurturing forever home.




