Charley with Mom Jess
She’s a Diva. A Rock n’ Roll Diva. A tiny girl who loves a good beat.
Meet Charley, an 8 pound, 6.5 year old Chimorkie (Chihuahua/Maltese/Yorkie) who loves her PaPa as much as she loves his music. And like a true Diva, Charley has a closet full of glamorous clothing - an outfit for any and every occasion. After all, she can’t show up at one of his gigs looking anything but stunning.
Diva Charley
At home, from her perch high atop the back of the sofa - where a full length body pillow provides support and comfort - Charley survey’s her domain. She keeps a close watch over all souls of this home. Her three cat “siblings” have their own routines that Charley orchestrates when it suits her.
For instance, she may casually drop down from her body pillow/throne and sashay past her feline brother, Monkey, who has claimed a section of floor for his own. In one smooth motion, Charley body-checks Monkey and sprints away.
Game on.
Monkey darts up and flies through the air like a bottle rocket, his black body stretched long and lean, landing on top of Charley. She is ready to brawl. They wrestle and kick and tease and wrestle. They chase. They jump. They wrestle more.
Monkey and Charley
When the frolicking fun has ended, Charley retreats to her throne. Monkey finds his favorite toy: a bottle cap. No matter how fussy or clever another cat toy may be, Monkey is a bottle cap kind of guy. When he’s had his way with one, Jess is sure to replace it with a fresh one. If not, Monkey will burst into a rendition of one of the seeming 300 “songs” he can sing in protest or desire.
Monkey and his cap
Meanwhile, In another corner of the house, Go.T and Nibbles are cat napping. Or grooming one another, as these litter mates will do. And when they decide they are done sleeping, they are off to play and chase themselves.
Nibbles and Go.T
This collection of kids is what Jess loves about life. She’s the human Mom of the house. It’s no surprise then, that Jess is also the longest serving certified veterinarian technician at Carver Lake Veterinary Center. In August, 2022 Jess celebrates 20 years of caring for critters at the center. And as much as she adores the pets she helps care for at the clinic, caring for four at home is icing on the cake.
Technically, Charley and Monkey joined the household when Jess’ fiancé Joe and she moved in together. All together, they counted 16 paws and four hungry pets. This is a truly modern merging family of fun and laughter.
Diva Charley
Within her wheelhouse of Diva Options, Charley employs her role as a police officer - a most important and necessary skill to bring to this home. For instance, should Nibbles and Go.T (her other two cat siblings) get into a fight, Charley is there to break it up. If someone comes to the house, Charley makes the noise needed to ensure Mom and Dad understand that danger may be lurking beyond the heavy door.
While Charley has her Diva duties, her piblings (pet siblings) also exhibit unique habits, as well. In fact, Mom Jess has nicknames for them: Go.T is the Eater, as he will chew on almost anything.
He should not be confused with his sister, Nibbles. Her special skills include needing love in the morning. And anything Go.T can eat, Nibbles can destroy. Jess liked her earbuds. She loved the special horsehair bracelet. So did Nibbles. But it isn’t morning unless she greets herself in the mirror.
Monkey cannot get enough of his Dad Joe. Every morning, as Nibbles paws the mirror atop of Jess’s dresser, Monkey suckles Joe’s neck. And purrs. But he’s an equal opportunity suckler, and Jess’s toes will do, as well. Yes, Monkey loves Jess’s feet.
As the day draws on, Jess and Joe sit down at 8 O’Clock sharp for dinner. Although all the “kids” have been fed, Charley waits and watches closely as the people food is consumed. When she sees that everyone has earned membership in the Clean Plate Club, Charley dives into her own bowl of grub.
And then it’s nap time. Cat nap time and dog nap time.
When 10:30 rolls around, hang on to your cowbell, Will Farrell, because it’s time for band practice. Loud band practice. As soon as the door to the basement creaks open, sixteen paws race down the stairs. They have their favorite places to sit while Dad practices; it’s nice to have Mom’s full attention. If Charley is a Diva, Monkey is a Rock N Roll groupie who likes his music booming. It’s not just the sound that he savors, but the vibration, as well. The music radiates through his entire body.
As the night ends, the herd heads back up the stairs to their respective abodes: Charley in the big bed (Mom and Dad); Monkey at Mom’s feet; and if Nibbles isn’t in one of her favorite toy boxes, you can find her curled up next to Go.T.
The house has grown still. A gentle breeze flaps a curtain panel. Charley checks to ensure it’s not an intruder. Confident that all is well, Diva Charley lays her head softly against a pillow near to Mom as dreams of tiaras dance in her head.